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Chelsea's Adventures in Book Blogging...

I've fairly recently become obsessed with reading. This is just me sharing that love with the world. :)


Currently in the (apparently long) process of importing my books from GR.

Angelfall  - Susan Ee

4 stars


This was a really great read!  I'm glad I discovered it!  Unfortunately, I only have a nook, and this book isn't available on Barnes & Noble.  So I read it on the kindle app on my phone, which isn't an ideal way to read a book, but it got the job done.  Not sure why B&N doesn't have it.


Where to start?  I feel like everything about this book was a slow simmer: getting to know the characters, their relationships with each other, finding out about the background of the story.  You're thrown in about 6 weeks after this angel war/apocalypse situation began.  By the end of the book, it becomes a little more apparent what the whole war is about, but you still don't really know.


Penryn's whole life/family dynamic is really interesting.  She has a little sister who's a paraplegic, a mother who's paranoid schizophrenic (and now without meds), and a father who left the family pre-apocalypse, leaving Penryn to be the responsible party.  It seems like there may be more to her mother's state than mental illness, but we'll have to wait to find out!  Penryn is a BAMF, and I always love a good ass-kicking heroine.  She also shows from time to time, though, that she is still just a teenager that's fallen into this life, and is still adjusting to it.


Penryn and Raffe's relationship is, like I said, slow simmer.  They fall into a bit of an uneasy partnership.  Raffe is sort of your typical reluctant hero... he'll save your ass, but he'll make sure you know he's not happy about it.


There's a little subtle wit to the book, which is nice to lighten things up a little bit, but not too much (it is the end of days, after all).  There's quite a bit of mystery, lots of action and suspense.  I'll be eagerly awaiting the release of the next book.